A lot, when you are showing your gratefulness you will see the world differently 180 degrees and you'll be pleased. and that's a real pleasure. think about it. one day in your life you grumble and blame your fate, and you meet someone, whether the person you meet will be happy? of course not and they will reply to you with a negative signal. and hey you will be more stress than before.
"Okay now i know that grateful it's important, but how so I can really thankful?"
1. Compare
Compare your life with others who may be his life was not as lucky as yours, do you know a lot of people starving while you are with abundant food.
you can breathe air for free, imagine the person who is in the hospital, they must pay for it. look on youtube "true sad story" and you will see how lucky you are ^ _ ^, FYI I just saw many sad stories on youtube, I'm grateful for what i have in my life, and that's what made me want to write it.
2. See
Look around your comfortable house, your friends are friendly and look your beautiful garden sit there for a while and see how beautiful nature is, you only wasted your time when you're complaining about your life, while outside there're many things thats beautiful to see.
3. Share
Share your stories with your friends that seem to be more happier than you, ask him the secret to be so happy. and you may be surprised when one of the answer is because he was showing gratefulness to God for give him a happy life.
4. Holiday
when you feel that your stress is too heavy and it was very disturbing your work and your life ask for time off, go on holiday in a place that you enjoy that can release your stress, choose a quiet place, because it is a great place to unwind your stress
That's a few ways so you can truly grateful, and when you are showing your gratefull to God for this life then your life will change completely.
good luck, wish your luck