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How much do you know about Cigarette

Posted by Owel Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lung disease is usually caused by many factors such as smoking

One of the diseases caused by Cigarette is bronchitis. It also can cause lung cancer. According to a study of 100 people affected by lung disease there are of 90 people who had habit of smoking. Symptom that is common is cough, shortness of breath and other

Some of good comment from

if you think it's hard to stop smoking just look at it like this. You are a person, you can walk, talk, and choose what to do and what not to do. Cigarettes are man made little pieces of crap rolled up into paper. It just sits there, it can't walk, talk, or do anything.
You have the power, cigarettes don't. Why let something ilke that control you. You can choose to pass by them and keep going. Be strong and know that cigarettes are poison. Smoking is pointless AND HURTS YOU and others. be strong

Do you still want to smoke? This is a list of ingredients from cigarettes ... Which is very DANGEROUS

1. Ammonia is usually used to clean windows and toilets. By adding ammonia to cigarettes, the nicotine in the form of vapor will be absorbed through the lungs more quickly. This makes the brain get higher doses of nicotine.

2. Cadmium
In the industry, cadmium used for batteries, coating and plastic logan. Cadmium may be harmful to the lungs, causing kidney disease and irritate the digestive tract.

3. Benzene
Benzene is produced naturally by volcanoes. But benzene is also a major industrial chemical made from coal and oil. Benzene is used to make other chemicals, as well as some types of plastics, detergents, and pesticides. It is also a component of gasoline and is associated with leukemia. When mixed with cigarettes, can already imagine the impact that could occur in it's vacuum.

4. Formaldehyde
Used as a glue in wood products and as a preservative in some paints. These chemicals can cause watery eyes, burning sensation in the reaction of the eyes, nose and throat, nausea, cough, shortness of chest, shortness of breath, skin rashes and allergies.

5. Nickel
Another name for nickel is silver or white metal hardware. These chemicals can cause increased susceptibility to lung infections, chronic bronchitis and reduced lung function.

There're still many hazardous substances contained in cigarettes ... but add to the list only makes you bored, right? ^ _ ^

Note: I have a grandfather and he was a smoker. until one day the doctor said that my grandpa strucked by Some lung diseases. from that day my grandpa decided to quit smoking. Looks simple? The truth is not easy to quit smoking and need some years for my grandpa to quit smoking completely.

and my grandpa have a tips for you, smokers who want to quit smoking ^ _ ^ in the next post

Do you Had Some story about smoking? Glad if you want to share it here

Recomended Post:  How to stop smoking! Part 2


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