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Three essential nutrients for healthy eyes

Posted by Owel Friday, August 13, 2010 0 comments

What vitamins are important for your eyes? Most people would say vitamin A ^ _ ^ true but in addition there are more several  vitamin that is not less important

Vitamin A 

American scientist, McCollum and Davis, when they do research on animals which had inflamed eyes, and the animals were given feed containing vitamins A, until the animal recovered. From there, they concluded that vitamin A plays an important role for the animal's recovery.

Vitamin a and beta caroten are two things we need, can prevent night blindness also improve our eyesight. Vitamin A is also needed by the retina for light adjustment

Vitamin A is contained in: cod liver oil, sweet potatoes, liver, egg yolk, spinach, pumpkins, and other vegetables.

Vitamin C 

Vitamin C is known to protect against free radicals, but do you know if vitamin C can prevent eye disease? That addition of Vitamin C can also reduce the pressure in the eye for glaucoma patients 

Vitamin C is contained in: citrus, melons, berries, tomatoes, peppers, kiwi, and potato.

Vitamin E 

Protect the organ of vision from cataracts and macular degeneration diseases, which can cause blindness

Vitamin E is contained in: almonds, vegetable oil, wheat, green vegetables, and milk fat.

knowing your food, Recognize  nutrition on it, feel the benefits

Start your life from yours healthy food ^ _ ^

How much do you know about Cigarette

Posted by Owel Thursday, August 12, 2010 0 comments

Lung disease is usually caused by many factors such as smoking

One of the diseases caused by Cigarette is bronchitis. It also can cause lung cancer. According to a study of 100 people affected by lung disease there are of 90 people who had habit of smoking. Symptom that is common is cough, shortness of breath and other

Some of good comment from

if you think it's hard to stop smoking just look at it like this. You are a person, you can walk, talk, and choose what to do and what not to do. Cigarettes are man made little pieces of crap rolled up into paper. It just sits there, it can't walk, talk, or do anything.
You have the power, cigarettes don't. Why let something ilke that control you. You can choose to pass by them and keep going. Be strong and know that cigarettes are poison. Smoking is pointless AND HURTS YOU and others. be strong

Do you still want to smoke? This is a list of ingredients from cigarettes ... Which is very DANGEROUS

1. Ammonia is usually used to clean windows and toilets. By adding ammonia to cigarettes, the nicotine in the form of vapor will be absorbed through the lungs more quickly. This makes the brain get higher doses of nicotine.

2. Cadmium
In the industry, cadmium used for batteries, coating and plastic logan. Cadmium may be harmful to the lungs, causing kidney disease and irritate the digestive tract.

3. Benzene
Benzene is produced naturally by volcanoes. But benzene is also a major industrial chemical made from coal and oil. Benzene is used to make other chemicals, as well as some types of plastics, detergents, and pesticides. It is also a component of gasoline and is associated with leukemia. When mixed with cigarettes, can already imagine the impact that could occur in it's vacuum.

4. Formaldehyde
Used as a glue in wood products and as a preservative in some paints. These chemicals can cause watery eyes, burning sensation in the reaction of the eyes, nose and throat, nausea, cough, shortness of chest, shortness of breath, skin rashes and allergies.

5. Nickel
Another name for nickel is silver or white metal hardware. These chemicals can cause increased susceptibility to lung infections, chronic bronchitis and reduced lung function.

There're still many hazardous substances contained in cigarettes ... but add to the list only makes you bored, right? ^ _ ^

Note: I have a grandfather and he was a smoker. until one day the doctor said that my grandpa strucked by Some lung diseases. from that day my grandpa decided to quit smoking. Looks simple? The truth is not easy to quit smoking and need some years for my grandpa to quit smoking completely.

and my grandpa have a tips for you, smokers who want to quit smoking ^ _ ^ in the next post

Do you Had Some story about smoking? Glad if you want to share it here

Recomended Post:  How to stop smoking! Part 2

5 Tips about Foods to be Healthier Person

Posted by Owel Wednesday, August 11, 2010 0 comments

Health, health can not be separated from a person lifestyle. so many factors that affect the health of the body. Of course food plays an important role, a healthy food can improve the body and make it more healthier. this is some tips about foods. and this tips be used in some countries. I hope you are no longer confused in choosing healthy foods from now on ^_^.

Tip 1: Eat plenty of grains, vegetables and fruits.
Conducted in countries: China and Greece

In Some countries, the meat is just a complement. In that country food such as vegetables and fruits are preferred and meat only as a complement, of course in some countries that consume a lot of meat and fruits just only as supplementary

According to research, three or more servings of grains and vegetables and fruits each day may reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease and some types of cancer.

Tip 2: Enjoy your meal
Conducted in countries: Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Japan

"Ritual" eating in these countries can last for hours. Even in Greece they "eat slowly, in regular time every days and conducted at sites / locations that are convenient," said Trichopoulou.

Meanwhile, for the nation of France, Italy and Spain, food is now gathered with family and friends. Yes, a meal can strengthen relationships. When eating in a calm and happy mood, the body will be able to process food quickly.

Tip 3: Watch your portions
Conducted in countries: France, Japan, Indonesia

The average French person ate 25% less than Americans, so the results of research conducted by the University of Pennsylvania. And In Japan more ordinary food served in small sizes and eat from small bowls, not the width of the plate. Okinawa community even has a custom called "Hachi bu hara," or "eight of the 10". That is, the citizens of Okinawa will stop eating when they feel their stomachs were filled 80% before completely full.

Tip 4: Eat a variety of fresh foods
Conducted in countries: Italy, France, Greece, Japan, and Indonesia.

Every foreign tourists who visited the traditional markets or supermarkets in Indonesia would be amazed to see the many choices of fresh food crops of Indonesia. Sundanese people known for their fondness of Lalapan or other raw foods such as Karedok. Coastal communities in the Lake Toba Batak also consume fresh fish without cooking, just like the Japanese with its Sashimi.

Research shows that fresh foods provide more fiber, fewer calories, cholesterol, and low in salt and sugar. That's why this year began a trend of globalizing called Raw Food Revolution in developed countries.

Tip 5: Spice up your plate
Conducted in countries: India, China, Thailand, Indonesia

The presence of spices in a dish can more delicious. Besides flavor, the spice is also known as low-calorie and fat-free. Some kinds of spices such as garlic, thyme, rosemary, cinnamon, cloves and turmeric also has properties to fight disease and reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body.

Recomended Post: Anabolic Cooking Review: How to cook to get tasty foods High protein

About Me

Posted by Owel 0 comments

Hi all, I'm Poetra

This is my blog, and I write about health and lifestyle.
lately many new diseases are emerging where not everything can be treated with advanced technology. This is related to human lifestyle, probably all already know about it ^ _ ^ but there are still many who have not want to change their way of life, perhaps because they do not know how much DANGER it's, might they're also not know how to live healthy? ? ^ _ ^ therefore with this blog I want to share my knowledge ... hopefully this blog can help you all who read ...and thanks fo reading my blog.

Oh yea, you can contact me Here


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Posted by Owel 0 comments



Posted by Owel Monday, August 09, 2010 0 comments


1. Use your left ear to talk on the phone
2. Do not drink coffee more than once a day
3. Do not Drink pill (drug) with cold water
4. Do not eat a large portion above 6 pm
5. Reduce the portion you do drink tea every day
6. Reduce your cholesterol consumption
7. Drinking lots of water in the morning and decrease in
8. Do not use mobile phones when charging
9. Do not use headphones / earphones for
long time
10. The best time to sleep is starting at 10
pm to 5 am
11. Do not sleep immediately after taking medicine

Posted by Owel 0 comments



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