A lot, when you are showing your gratefulness you will see the world differently 180 degrees and you'll be pleased. and that's a real pleasure. think about it. one day in your life you grumble and blame your fate, and you meet someone, whether the person you meet will be happy? of course not and they will reply to you with a negative signal. and hey you will be more stress than before.
"Okay now i know that grateful it's important, but how so I can really thankful?"
1. Compare
Compare your life with others who may be his life was not as lucky as yours, do you know a lot of people starving while you are with abundant food.
you can breathe air for free, imagine the person who is in the hospital, they must pay for it. look on youtube "true sad story" and you will see how lucky you are ^ _ ^, FYI I just saw many sad stories on youtube, I'm grateful for what i have in my life, and that's what made me want to write it.
2. See
Look around your comfortable house, your friends are friendly and look your beautiful garden sit there for a while and see how beautiful nature is, you only wasted your time when you're complaining about your life, while outside there're many things thats beautiful to see.
3. Share
Share your stories with your friends that seem to be more happier than you, ask him the secret to be so happy. and you may be surprised when one of the answer is because he was showing gratefulness to God for give him a happy life.
4. Holiday
when you feel that your stress is too heavy and it was very disturbing your work and your life ask for time off, go on holiday in a place that you enjoy that can release your stress, choose a quiet place, because it is a great place to unwind your stress
That's a few ways so you can truly grateful, and when you are showing your gratefull to God for this life then your life will change completely.
good luck, wish your luck
3 Aspects of Burn Fat X 10
You will discover three major components to this program:
1. The exercise portion, it is the major section of your plan.
2. The lifestyle and habit formation portion, in which Dan Robey teaches you tips on how to create new and healthier lifestyle habits.
3. The diet element where that you are taught what and just how much to eat.
There are many things that can cause insomnia. In addition to the stress factor, other causes include medications, circadian rhythm disorders, and certain diseases (eg asthma, incontinence unin / can not hold urine in adults).
The drugs associated with insomnia is a type of psychoactive drugs that are stimulants (stimulate), ephedrine, amphetamines, antibiotics such as fluoroquinolones group, theophylline, and caffeine.
Circadian rhythm disturbances are usually caused by changes in working hours, from morning into night, or because of jet lag. Jet lag (disinkronosis) usually experienced by people who travel to countries with different time zones, and travel generally east to west.
For chronic insomnia is more complex, because it can be caused by hormonal disorders, abnormalities of brain signals, and psikiatnik disorders (psychiatric). hormone that may be involved in the insomnia is cortisol (stress hormone), growth hormone deficiency, and lack of melatonin. Psychiatric disorders that cause anxiety, depression, and substance abuse such as alcohol.
Conditions that are not hygiene can also cause insomnia.
Tips for Overcoming Insomnia:
1. Maybe you need to spend time before sleep to take a bath with warm water. Warm water will cause sedation or stimulate sleep. Also, baths with warm water can reduces body tension.
2. Stop thinking about the problems you have or worry about. forgetting what you have to do tomorrow.
3. Make your bedroom as comfortable as possible, such as turned off room lights, and turn off the annoying sounds.
4. Avoid eating and drinking too much before bedtime. Foods that too much will cause the stomach to be uncomfortable, while drinking too much will lead you to the toilet frequently. Of course both of these circumstances will disturb your profound sleep.
Those are some tips to overcome insomnia, thank you for reading
don't !!!
Actually you can do that, if you are patient enough and believe that one day your goal will be reached, and here it's simple steps to help you get started on the right track ... enjoy it
+ Start with what's on your mind.
do you want to reduce your weight completely so you can wear clothes with smaller sizes, or you just want to reduce some pounds? Essentially what's your main goal from your diet.
+ Specific
what is the ideal weight you want? Don't think about abstract things, eg "I want to be slim", slim like what you really want? and it should be a number, note and remember.
+ Realistic
realistic to your desire weight loss, better say you want to lose weight around 10 pounds in 2 months, than want to lose weight 10 pounds in a week, not only it does not seem possible but it will also be very risk for your health. avoid diets that are not realistic and excessive
+ What is the purpose of your diet
This may seem trivial but it's important for you in the future when you are getting bored with the diet program, you will remember the purpose of your hard work during this very important thing, Make it personal and emotional. For example you want to lose 16 pounds in 6 months and let's say you've married and got kids. The good reason for "why" is
"I know that being overweight is a source of various diseases, I do not want to bother my husband and will be a burden to my children, I Want to be Able to stay healthy long Enough to see my children get happy wedding and be there to see the smile from my grandchildren. "
+ Break it down into Smaller and Easier steps.
okay let's say you want to lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks, looks difficult? if so let us break that into smaller things. it becomes easier to manage if you look at it as losing an average of 1 pound per week, Now's that manageable! For you to lose a pound a week, you only need to create a calorie deficit of about 500 calories per day by controlling your diet and increasing your amount of exercises.
+ Write it
Don't just think about the purpose and your goals in your head, you need to write it. You need to write down all your specific goals and the "Reasons why," and stick it in a place easily visible, like a dressing table or fridge to remind you. remember "out of sight, out of mind!"
+ Patience and Natural
The pounds didn't come on overnight, so don't expect them to disappear in a night too. and probably weight loss wouldn't reduce in your diet program as fast as you think's. If this happens do not stress, stress only makes you slow down your program, be patient and think of it as "Slowly but surely." still stick to your main plan which is weight loss.
Use these simple tips and in the end of the year you will get what you Want! Best of luck!
Author: Poetra Selatan
Diet Solution Program Review
Warning: You will lose weight using the Diet Solution Program. It is not a magic pill, it takes work, but You will achieve your ideal weight. Official page: www.thedietsolutionprogram.com
The Diet Solution
The Bad Stuff
1. Sometimes perhaps too aggressive marketing promotion of The Diet Solution Program Might not work for all the people around the World.
2. You know, nothing is completely 100% effective. If you find a program that is claiming to be 100% effective, it smells fishy.
3. You will have to use your own willpower in order to change your lifestyle and nutrition, in order to change your health.
The Good Stuff
1. The Diet Solution is an effective weight loss program that is completely safe, healthy and easy to follow.
2. Will show you how different foods affect different parts of your body.
3. Comes with 60 day money back guarantee. Just keep every email you get from them regarding your purchase. You will need these details in case you are not completely satisfied with the product.
4. Some people have even just used the quick start guide and lost 10-15lbs in a little as 6 weeks. Anyone can do it.
5. You can easily follow the instructions that are provided in this book.
6. The Diet Solution Program encourages the intake of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. The Program contains also delicious recipes to make everyday meals tasty.
I believe you know the best for yourself
Recomended Post: Anabolic Cooking Review: How to cook to get tasty foods High protein
1. Bodybuilding and fitness nutrition must be plain, boring and taste terrible.
2. that there isn't any such thing as a delicious meal that will taste like something you’d eat at a restaurant and promote muscle building and fat loss at the same time
3. think that you are incapable of cooking, and you don’t feel confident and comfortable enough in the kitchen to prepare tasty meals
4. You think it is going to take all of your precious time to make a full week’s worth of meals, and that eating pre-package food and take out will be a real time-saver.
5. You are worried and absolutely positive that a trip to the grocery store will cost you an arm and a leg.
1. More than 200 "Anabolicious" recipes
2. Meal plans: Dave Ruel will tell you what to eat, when to eat, and how to prepare all your meals
3. How to prepare ALL your meals for the week in Less than 3 hours!
4. A Virtual Cooking Class: learn how to read a recipe, the different cutting techniques and cooking methods, completed with the Anabolic Cooking Glossary. All you need to know to get started cooking will from be Covered from A to Z!
5. and many more
before I proceed, I want to ask you, do you want to stop smoking now ? If there was a desire from the depths of your deepest heart, I personally congratulate. The decision you take is very appropriate for the health of yourself and the people around you. the decision is also very beneficial for the health of your pocket.
do the analysis on smoking habits that has been done so far. For example:
* When your most common time for a smoke
* When you want to smoke
the results of this analysis will assist in braking the desire to smoke.
2. compiled a list of reasons
do all the things that make you not resumed smoking. Always remember that the underlying reasons for you not to smoke. If you need to set up a list of reasons for that.
* Avoid cancer, heart failure, digestive disorders
* A better social life
* Remember the health and interests of the child / family
* Healthy body
3. direct stop
choose a day where you will stop. And on that day, immediately stop completely without performing stages. Announce your plans to people close to you so they can help.
4. cautious in the early days
early days it will feel very hard. Try to divert attention by eating candy or chewing gum without sugar. Temporarily reduce the activity associated with smoking, such as going to the bar.
5. enjoy your life
money that should be used to purchase cigarettes could be used to buy gifts for themselves, such as buying books, buying tapes, movies, and other fun things. or maybe doing exercise for a healthier body
6. Low calorie intake
during the first weeks (up to approximately four weeks), eat foods low in calories. Also drink plenty of water
How to stop smoking! part 2
1. First of all recognize your body.
Stop comparing with the body of your friends. When you know how your body workings, it will be easier to fulfill what its need.
2. Eat regularly with a menu and a sufficient portion
As the saying goes, "Eat before hungry and stop before full.
3.More fruit and vegetable consumption
Slim people eat more than one serving of fruit and eat more fiber and less fat than fat people. That the results of research published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association in 2006.
4.Do not forget breakfast
Start your day with a breakfast menu and the portions ample. This will help reduce your calorie intake throughout the day.
5. Drink plenty of water.
you need water at least 2 liters per day
6. Exercise.
Make it as an activity that can not be compromised. Do aerobics with favorite music can be a fun of activity. Encourage families to participate. Initially perhaps somewhat strange to hear it. But once you start, you might forget to stop.
7. Sugar-Free
Try 2 weeks without any sugar. It feels great knowing your appetite that usually can't be keep, gradually disappear.
8.Don't do extreme actions.
Extreme actions such means did not eat for lean in quick time. It is best to eat in small portions, which includes three nutrients the body needs and two snacks each day for a more efficient metabolism.
9. Brush your teeth immediately
After dinner brush your tooth
10. Never to compensate for feelings of food.
Habit does very well when we overeat in times when our feelings are bad or too Happy. Generally people who are too carried away just a bit hard to control his diet.
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What vitamins are important for your eyes? Most people would say vitamin A ^ _ ^ true but in addition there are more several vitamin that is not less important
Vitamin A
American scientist, McCollum and Davis, when they do research on animals which had inflamed eyes, and the animals were given feed containing vitamins A, until the animal recovered. From there, they concluded that vitamin A plays an important role for the animal's recovery.
Vitamin a and beta caroten are two things we need, can prevent night blindness also improve our eyesight. Vitamin A is also needed by the retina for light adjustment
Vitamin A is contained in: cod liver oil, sweet potatoes, liver, egg yolk, spinach, pumpkins, and other vegetables.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is known to protect against free radicals, but do you know if vitamin C can prevent eye disease? That addition of Vitamin C can also reduce the pressure in the eye for glaucoma patients
Vitamin C is contained in: citrus, melons, berries, tomatoes, peppers, kiwi, and potato.
Vitamin E
Protect the organ of vision from cataracts and macular degeneration diseases, which can cause blindness
Vitamin E is contained in: almonds, vegetable oil, wheat, green vegetables, and milk fat.
knowing your food, Recognize nutrition on it, feel the benefits
Start your life from yours healthy food ^ _ ^
Recomended Post: How to stop smoking! Part 2
Recomended Post: Anabolic Cooking Review: How to cook to get tasty foods High protein