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7 Simple tips to help you to get Weight loss

Posted by Owel Monday, November 22, 2010

Achieving the desired goal may be a wonderful thing when that happens, especially if it relates about weight loss ^ _ ^. But When the plan does not run smoothly we will be desperate and frustrated

don't !!!

Actually you can do that, if you are patient enough and believe that one day your goal will be reached, and here it's simple steps to help you get started on the right track ... enjoy it

+ Start with what's on your mind.

do you want to reduce your weight completely so you can wear clothes with smaller sizes, or you just want to reduce some pounds? Essentially what's your main goal from your diet.

+ Specific

what is the ideal weight you want? Don't think about abstract things, eg "I want to be slim", slim like what you really want? and it should be a number, note and remember.

+ Realistic

realistic to your desire weight loss, better say you want to lose weight around 10 pounds in 2 months, than want to lose weight 10 pounds in a week, not only it does not seem possible but it will also be very risk for your health. avoid diets that are not realistic and excessive

+ What is the purpose of your diet

This may seem trivial but it's important for you in the future when you are getting bored with the diet program, you will remember the purpose of your hard work during this very important thing, Make it personal and emotional. For example you want to lose 16 pounds in 6 months and let's say you've married and got kids. The good reason for "why" is 

"I know that being overweight is a source of various diseases, I do not want to bother my husband and will be a burden to my children, I Want to be Able to stay healthy long Enough to see my children get happy wedding and be there to see the smile from my grandchildren. " 

The stronger your reasons for carrying out the diet the better.

+ Break it down into Smaller and Easier steps.

okay let's say you want to lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks, looks difficult? if so let us break that into smaller things. it becomes easier to manage if you look at it as losing an average of 1 pound per week, Now's that manageable!  For you to lose a pound a week, you only need to create a calorie deficit of about 500 calories per day by controlling your diet and increasing your amount of exercises.

+ Write it

Don't just think about the purpose and your goals in your head, you need to write it. You need to write down all your specific goals and the "Reasons why," and stick it in a place easily visible, like a dressing table or fridge to remind you. remember "out of sight, out of mind!"

+ Patience and Natural

 The pounds didn't come on overnight, so don't expect them to disappear in a night too. and probably weight loss wouldn't reduce in your diet program as fast as you think's. If this happens do not stress, stress only makes you slow down your program, be patient and think of it as "Slowly but surely." still stick to your main plan which is  weight loss.

Use these simple tips and in the end of the year you will get what you Want! Best of luck!

Author: Poetra Selatan

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